Samstag, 9. August 2008

I love you all the time


6 Kommentare:

checkyourmalebox hat gesagt…

lomo's machen einfach die besten bilder ;o)

Siska hat gesagt…

schön,dass du so jemanden gefunden hast :)

Anonym hat gesagt…

schönes bild (:

Lari. hat gesagt…

liebe! <3

Siska hat gesagt…

hab dich ürbigens zu meiner linkliste hinzugefügt...:)

The night chauffeur hat gesagt…

Dear Katya,

We are a gonzo T shirt making company which advocates real life experience. You have to be in it to wear it, if you get what we mean.

This is the love child of a former Lanvin/Alberta Ferretti textiles designer and a former ad creative writer who have discovered that the T shirt is just about the most creative canvas there is.

We are also making a movie.

Yours, Moxie